Patient Rights

OTA & Jinemed Hospital

Patient Rights

Overall utilization of the service
Activities to promote healthy living within the framework of the principles of justice and equity and to benefit from preventive health services
Selecting and changing the organization
To choose and change the health institution and to benefit from the health services provided at the health institution of his/her choice
Recognizing, selecting and replacing staff
To learn, select and change the identities, duties and titles of physicians and other personnel who will and are providing health services
Consent and Authorization
Obtaining consent in medical interventions and benefiting from the service within the framework of consent
Receiving health care in a safe environment
To receive friendly, kind, compassionate health care with respect, care and attention
To accept visitors in accordance with the procedures and principles determined by institutions and organizations
Right of application, complaint and lawsuit
In case of violation of their rights, to exercise all kinds of application, complaint and lawsuit rights within the framework of the legislation
Continuous service
He/she has the right to health care for as long as necessary.
Access to services in equality
To receive services regardless of race, language, religion and sect, gender, political opinion, philosophical belief, economic and social status
To learn about all kinds of services and facilities
Request Information
To request all kinds of information about his/her health status verbally or in writing
To receive all kinds of health services in a confidential environment
Reject and stop
Refuse treatment and ask for it to be stopped
To be able to fulfill religious obligations
To fulfill their religious obligations to the extent of the facilities of the organization and within the framework of the measures taken by the administration
To receive health care in an environment where all hygienic conditions are provided and all noisy and disturbing factors are eliminated
Having a companion
To request to have a companion within the scope of the legislation, the possibilities of health institutions and organizations and if deemed appropriate by the physician
Protective measure
Every individual has the right to receive appropriate care to prevent disease. To achieve this goal, the task of health services is to ensure that everyone benefits from health services and the results of scientific research and technological innovations.

Accompaniment Rules

Accompanying persons must comply with the rules set by the hospital administration.
The companion must be one person. An accompanying person may be present only with the permission and approval of the doctor.
For the safety of your patient, do not allow your patient to remove the wristband on his/her arm until he/she leaves the hospital.
Companions should not leave the patient's side except in cases of necessity.
The accompanying person will be issued a companion card by the relevant clinic. They must always keep the companion card with them. The companion card cannot be used by anyone else.
The companion must assist in the care of the patient to the extent permitted.
You can reach the ward nurse in case of emergency by using the nurse call system located at your bedside and in the bathrooms.
Companions are required to keep their rooms, beds and furniture tidy and clean and not to damage fixtures and fittings.
For the health of our patients, smoking should never be allowed inside the hospital building.
The belongings of the patient and the companion should be kept in the cabinets in the rooms.

Visiting Rules

The visiting hours of the hospital are 09:00 - 23:00.
Visiting children under 10 (ten) years of age are not accepted.
Make sure that your patient visits are short and that you do not visit en masse.
Intensive care units have their own visitor policies. You can visit within the rules determined by the units.
Do not speak loudly or make noise in the rooms and hospital corridors so that our patients are not disturbed during your patient visits.
Do not bring food, drink, live and inanimate flowers during your patient visits.
Keep our hospital clean. Throw your garbage in the household waste bins. Use clean toilets and sinks.
All these rules are designed to provide better service and comfort to our patients.