Reflux Center

Reflux Center

Reflux is one of the most frequently complained diseases in the world and in our country. Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), commonly known as gastric reflux, can be defined as the escape of stomach acid and food back into the esophagus.

Reflux is the pathological backflow of stomach contents from the stomach into the esophagus. Patients with reflux usually complain of burning behind the sternum. In addition, it is sometimes said that food and bitter water comes into the mouth. Reflux complaints usually manifest themselves after meals.


What are the Symptoms of Reflux?

Reflux is one of the most common stomach disorders and usually occurs after meals. It occurs especially after the consumption of spicy, fatty foods, alcohol or freshly squeezed fruit juices. It shows a burning and heartburn sensation spreading from the stomach to the throat. There are also symptoms such as belching, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, a tickling sensation in the throat, bad breath, persistent cough, hiccups, nausea and vomiting.


How to Treat Reflux?

Endoscopy, pH measurement, contrast radiographs, manometric studies are performed to diagnose the patient who complains of reflux symptoms.

The most important criterion in the treatment of reflux is a change in lifestyle. Many people can control reflux by making changes in their daily habits such as eating and drinking and using the medications prescribed by the doctor, but some patients may require surgical intervention. For this reason, the patient should pay attention to what they eat, get rid of excess weight, quit smoking, avoid excessively spicy, tomato, onion and garlic foods, chocolate, alcohol and chocolate.

Tests are important in the diagnosis of reflux disease. The patient is tested to find out whether reflux is the main cause of the complaints and a treatment path is followed according to the findings obtained.

Surgical intervention can be performed in reflux that will not go away with medication. Reflux surgeries are frequently performed today. The patient may prefer surgery in cases where reflux medications do not cure the disease and reflux is accompanied by gastric hernia.

It is the method used for the definitive diagnosis of the disease. With a measuring device worn on the waist belt, acid changes in the esophagus and stomach are monitored for 24 hours and it is understood whether the patient has reflux. The 24-hour pH measurement is not only used to diagnose the disease, but also to understand the type of reflux and what factors trigger it. For example, whether the patient has reflux during the day or at night is very important for treatment. Again, thanks to this device, the relationship between the patient's complaints and reflux and which foods trigger reflux in that patient can be seen. In this way, it has advantages such as preparing a personalized treatment according to the patient, increasing the patient's belief and participation in the treatment, and achieving higher success than medical treatment. Thus, there is a chance to treat more patients without surgery.

A manometer is a medical device for measuring the pressure in the esophagus and the valve at its lower end. By seeing the pressure of the valve system at the lower end of the esophagus, it is possible to understand whether it is working correctly. Also, by measuring the pressure inside the esophagus, there is a chance to see how much the esophagus fulfills its function of pumping the food downwards. The manometer examination is used both in differential diagnosis and in preoperative preparation for reflux patients.

A medicated film of the esophagus during swallowing also provides information about swallowing and the function of the esophagus. It can be used to differentiate reflux from other esophageal diseases, to prepare for surgery or to check swallowing function after surgery.

If Reflux Disease is Not Treated

If reflux is left untreated, it can lead to serious side effects. These can include bleeding in the esophagus, stenosis and precancerous changes in the mucosa. The symptoms that will warn you about the disease are as follows:

  • Bitter water in the mouth
  • Hoarseness
  • Choking Sensation
  • Persistent Cough
  • Burning sensation in the throat with heartburn
  • Swallowing Difficulty

We are here to help you with our team of specialized doctors about your reflux complaint. We are with you in the diagnosis and treatment processes of your disease. We are at your service for you to have a healthy life.

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