Check Up

Check Up

A check-up is a comprehensive health screening to assess a person's general health status, detect potential health problems at an early stage and take preventive measures. A check-up can be performed without any symptoms or complaints and reveals a person's general health status. During this screening, potential problems in the body are examined through a series of tests, imaging and examinations.


Why is Check-Up Important?

Early Diagnosis
A check-up ensures that diseases are detected at an early stage. This increases the chances of early detection and treatment of serious health problems such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
General Health Monitoring
A check-up is important to be informed about one's current health status and to monitor changes in health status over time.
Identification of Risks
Risks can be identified and managed based on family diseases, genetic predispositions or personal health history.
Preventive Health Services
Thanks to the check-up, risk factors can be identified and lifestyle changes or treatment recommendations can be made to prevent the development of the disease.

Who Should Have Check-Up?

Everyone aged 18 and over should have a check-up at regular intervals. Especially after the age of 40, check-ups become even more important.
People with Certain Risk Factors
Smokers, alcohol users, people with risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, cholesterol or diabetes should have check-ups more frequently.
Family History of Disease
People with a family history of serious diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer should have regular check-ups as they are at higher risk of developing these diseases.
Busy Work Life
People with a stressful and busy work life should have regular check-ups to monitor the health risks associated with this situation.

Check-Up Types

Check-up packages are diversified according to a person's age, gender, lifestyle and health status. Here are some common types of check-ups:

Blood tests (complete blood count, biochemistry panel, liver and kidney function tests)
Electrocardiography (ECG)
Radiological examinations (chest X-ray, ultrasound)
Eye and dental examination

Breast examination and mammography
Pelvic ultrasound
Pap smear test (cervical cancer screening)
Hormonal tests
Bone density measurement (osteoporosis screening)

Prostate examination and PSA test (prostate cancer screening)
Testosterone level measurement
Cardiovascular health tests
Liver and kidney function tests

Effort test (stress test)
Arteriosclerosis measurements
Cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Bone density measurement
Alzheimer's screening and cognitive function tests
Heart health and diabetes screenings
Eye examination (cataract, glaucoma, etc.)
Colorectal cancer screening

Developmental and growth assessments
Updating vaccines
Nutrition and obesity risk assessment
Vitamin D and iron levels

A check-up is an important health service to lead a healthy life, detect diseases early and manage risk factors. It is recommended that you regularly monitor your health by choosing a check-up program that is appropriate for your age, gender, family history and lifestyle. Check-ups should be performed regularly, not only when a health problem arises, but also when you think you are healthy.

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